
One-day seminar about (17 SDGs) Goals

Al- Taqwa Institute of Higher Education provides some of the lecturers of both faculties, some of the administrative staff and students with a one-day seminar about (17 SDGs) Goals. Al- Taqwa Institute of Higher Education’s SDGs Club prepared an academic seminar to a number of its lecturers, students from both faculties of Law and Political Science and the faculty of economics which is the 17 goals of SDGs in the world. The academic seminar was started with the recitation of few verses of The Holy Quran. Afterwards, members of (The SDGs Club) of the Institution, presented the comprehensive seminar on the 17 goals of SDGs. The Club inclusively stated that What are the Sustainable Development Goals, and why are they important? Which countries in the world put strong steps for its betterment? Is it something new to Afghan people or have they enough information about it? How many universities are working for these crucial goals in Afghanistan? In-addition, The Club provide the participants with the information about that The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were born at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in 2012. According to the UN, The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the world's shared plan to end severe poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the planet by 2030 and briefly named the seventeen (17) goals, such as 1. Eliminate Poverty, 2. Erase Hunger, 3. Establish, Good Health and Well-Being, 4. Provide Quality Education, 5. Enforce Gender Equality, 6. Improve Clean Water and Sanitation, 7. Grow Affordable and Clean Energy, 8. Create Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9. Increase Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, 10. Reduce Inequality,11. Mobilize Sustainable Cities and Communities,12. Influence Responsible Consumption and Production, 13. Organize Climate Action, 14. Develop Life below Water, 15. Advance Life on Land, 16. Guarantee Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and 17. Build Partnerships for the Goals. It should be noted that Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education is actively working for gaining and developing of these goals inside in outside of the university. Especially for the goals for quality education, eliminate poverty, create decent work and economic growth… Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education is committee to facilitating such kind of vital seminars for the capacity building of its employees and students. Al-Taqwa Towards a Promising Future!

The Faculty of Economics held an event where students were congratulated on their participation and received their completion certificates.

Forty-two (42) graduating students from the economics faculty received their certificates issued by Peregrine Global Services on August 17, 2022. The students have gone through an online comprehensive outbound external assessment with Peregrine Global Services.   For nearly 20 years, the Peregrine Global Services team has developed and provided high-quality, comprehensive solutions for higher education, industry, and individuals. It is headquartered in the United States of America and has regional offices including Asia Pacific. The companies created to address challenges and impact the world have merged into one organization, Peregrine Global Services. It develops leaders and provides higher education assessment, educational, and support services. We combine technical ability with expert consulting to provide organizations with the information and resources they need to accomplish their goals. Agile and responsive, we strive to understand your needs to improve individuals and organizations. The world is complex; problems are dynamic. By leveraging our expertise from various backgrounds, cultures, and industries, we offer a diversity of perspectives to address challenges.   Through this platform, we at the economics faculty are committed to regularly onboarding our graduating students to take the outbound exam and they will get this assurance that what they have learned here in AIHE is relevant and comparable to the programs taught in Asia and throughout the world. It will also help the students understand that their knowledge and competencies are very good, especially as compared to the world and Asia. The students will get this confidence that what they learn is of very good quality and they can see that the assessment exam results prove that.   Additionally, the External Exam results will give us another level of proof that we are providing quality education to our students. For example, if we are asked, “ How do you know the quality of the education you are delivering to your students?” In our response, we can share our global assessment exam results which show that our students’ knowledge was tested at the same level as the average of other regions in the world. We at Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education are committed to taking further solid steps working towards better recognition and acceptance of educational programs degrees globally. This is one of the innovative initiatives that the economics faculty has taken toward standardization and globalization.

Academic tour to The University of Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani in Kunar Province

An Academic tour to The University of Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani in Kunar Province On the bases of the assigned (MOU) with the mentioned University, a number of lecturers alongside the chancellor and VC Academic Chancellor of Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education went on an academic tour to The University of Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani in Kunar Province. After arriving at the university, they were warmly welcomed by the Chancellor, VC Finance and Administration, and the Deans of the faculties of Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani University. Later on, they had a short introductory meeting which started with the recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran. Prof. Mohibullah Mohib, Chancellor of Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani University, while introducing his staff, expressed his happiness about the Memorandum of Understanding with a prestigious academic private institute of higher education of Al-Taqwa; also he talked about how important this MOU, explained the effectiveness of this educational tour. Furthermore, Mr. Khushal Jawad, Chancellor of Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education, introduced the mentioned representative of (ATIHE), who was also on this academic trip with him. Alongside thanking the leadership of the university for being fully committed to the implementation of the signed (MOU), Mr. Jawad clarified the value of cooperation between the private sector and the government. He said, “This academic tour is a good example of the commitment of both sides.” He also assured that such programs would be ongoing. Moreover, Dr. Abdul Hameed Seerat, VC Academic Chancellor of Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education, provided the participants with a comprehensive presentation about the history, academic and scientific activities of (ATIHE), and in meanwhile, Dr. Waseem Zaland, head of the Research Committee of Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani University, also gave an inclusive presentation about the history, academic and scientific activities Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani University…; and they were delivered with the wide-ranging information about each of the above offices. Finally, in accordance with the agenda, the stated representatives Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education, visited different offices, faculties, computer labs, the campus, committees, the research center, and other related academic sites of Sayed Jamaluddin Afghani University. Al-Taqwa Institute of Higher Education is committed to working for the capacity building of its all staff and providing its students with quality education.